Operational Nuts & Bolts

Are you really good at what you do
or what you make?

Feeling a little lost when it comes to
the business side of your business?

Looking for meaningful guidance to
make sure you’re doing the right things?

Objective. Thorough. Professional.

Pondering Woman

Steps to Fixing Your Business


Determine the steps you’ve taken & what steps need to be taken.

Focus Identification

You and I collaboratively decide the best steps to take.


Prioritize the steps to be taken and create a plan of action


BCS helps you implement your plan of action


Since 1983 BCS president, George Scott, MBA, has seen the internal and financial operations of countless businesses – of all types. 

He has seen what works … and what doesn’t work.

He encourages the incorporation of massive doses of common sense in all actions.

Let George’s extensive insights help you fix or grow your business.

All Assistance is Customized

Let’s discuss your sitation and the best way to address it!

Schedule your first free conversation today!

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