As a guest columnist for three business publications, George Scott’s articles provide common sense, practical, and usable insights and recommendations. Since he is also a business broker, many articles address various aspects of selling or buying a business. The most recent publication is FOCUS, the bi-monthly magazine of the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM).
**If the cover of the magazine appears when you hit the “Read Now” button, go to the pages designated for each article**
FOCUS – The Small Business Association of Michigan’s Magazine.
Business Financial Matters
Selling a Business
Selling the Business: Must Do Preliminary Activities
November/December 2014 FOCUS, Pages 10-11
Sellers Must Strive to Avoid Common Mistakes
Originally published in the Rochester Business Journal. February 1994
Selling the Business: Keep Your Wits About You – Part 1
Originally published in the Rochester Business Magazine, July 1991
Buying a Business
Buying a Business: What’s Motivating You?, Rochester Business Magazine, First of a series of three self-evaluation business-buying articles.
Buying a Business: Are You Ready?, Rochester Business Magazine, Second of a series of three self-evaluation business-buying articles.
Buying a Business: Acquisition Parameters , Rochester Business Magazine, Third of a series of three self-evaluation business-buying articles.
Thought Leadership
Because They Cared
Winter 2015 featured in All About Mentoring, Pages 55-57
*These topics and insights for students are also invaluable for business owners interested in our consulting approach.