Evaluate your marketing efforts over the past couple years.
Consider outside-the-box alternatives.
Revise all marketing materials, content, and efforts.
Implement your decision, with the help of BCS.
BCS president, George Scott, MBA, has a marketing MBA – earned in 2009 with Top-of-Cohort honors – while working full time.
For seven years, George was an Adjunct Professor teaching multiple courses about the various aspects of marketing – to undergraduate adult students.
Additionally, he has helped countless businesses over the years develop focused marketing campaigns that make cost-effective sense for each business.
Let George’s years of experience help you take your business to the next level.
Let’s discuss your marketing efforts and the best way to make them more effective.
Schedule your first free conversation today!
George understands business – both as a business owner and as a business consultant/business broker. Beginning his double roles in 1983, he has been, and is, able to observe (up close) the internal operations and financial conditions of hundreds of businesses. Consequently, George has a unique perspective as to why some businesses achieve resounding success while others fail.
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